Our Story
In the heart of a bustling office, Ayu and Andi embarked on a journey that was destined to be extraordinary. As coworkers, working together on a shared project, they initially discussed work-related matters day by day. However, beneath the veneer of professionalism, a profound connection began to take shape.
Their conversations about spreadsheets and strategies soon unveiled a deeper yearning, and the realization that their connection was unlike any other. What was once a professional association quickly transformed into a profound love that they knew would last a lifetime.
Today, we invite you to celebrate with us the union of two souls, Ayu and Andi, who started their journey in the unlikeliest of places—an office—and now stand united in a love that transcends time and circumstance. Join us as we embark on this new chapter together, forever intertwined by a love that has grown from the seeds of destiny.